Introducing the best, most professional rotisserie set-up for your garden grill. THÜROS UK now offer the rotisserie set-up on all three of their garden grills (including the BAIKAL).

The difference with this set-up is that it provides a charcoal shaft for lateral heat cooking, rather than placing the coals below the meat like most rotisseries.

Not only does this mean there’s a consistent heat source for the entire roast, it also take away any chance of fat hitting the coals below and causing flare-up. You don’t need to worry about the height of the rotisserie in relation to the coals, you just simply light them up and off you go.

There are several rotisserie set-ups available once you have it installed, but you can be sure you’ll be wowing your guests when they get to see this in action and then taste the results.
