Weber Summit Charcoal Grill Review. I have been using this grill for a month now and I can see how well the new features work. I have the 36, 26.75, 22.5, 18, inch kettles and the 22.5 and 18 inch Smokey Mountain Smokers. The Weber Charcoal Summit controls the air that feeds the fire and traps the heat better than all of them.
I don’t like to waste charcoal, so I always feel the pressure to fill my smoker to capacity with as much meat as it will hold. The Summit relieves this pressure so I can smoke smaller batches. I’ve smoked 5 racks of ribs with a chimney’s worth of coals and had heat to spare.
The 22.5 inch kettle’s coal grates are 5.25 inches below the cooking grate and the Summit is 4.5 inches below. Mix that with the slightly larger bottom vent and the 3.5 inch top vent and 600 plus degree searing is possible.
I had enough money to buy a new computer, but I bought this instead. I couldn’t be happier!
Weber Summit Charcoal Grill Review