I love a reverse sear when I’m grilling thick steaks like NY Strip. Combine that with a side of grilled shrimp and vegetables with a spicy fruit kabob and you have a wonderful dinner. My friends at GRILLVILLE sent me a new line of accessories that are really something different!

Wait til you see these skewers with double tines! I can turn the fruit kababs several times and they don’t spin around or break!

And that perforated skillet, let me tell you, I work with all kinds of pans and this one is really quality. I mean, not only does it let the flavor of the wood or charcoal to some through, it’s so easy to clean up. Not just for grilling in the backyard, it also great for camping. And if you go grilling at a public park, you don’t have to worry about what was on the grill before you showed up. Good to 500F

Now that grill brush, with the stainless-steel chain mail, is gonna keep your grates clean season after season after season! You can forget buying a new one every year and worrying about those loose and dirty bristles…this one from Grillville is even dishwasher safe. I haven’t seen anything like this before

But what’s really cool is that the guys at Grillville have a 3 season guarantee for their products.

What do you think about that?

Check them out on Amazon!

➡ About M.O.T.G

One of the most recognizable Grilling and Kitchen TV Pitchmen in the World, Marc Gill is going unplugged and at home, doing what he loves most Barbecuing, Smoking, Grilling, Braising, Su Vide, I mean cooking and feeding family and friends.

His hectic schedule has him reviewing, testing and scripting presentations for products which are sent to him from all over the Globe. These products are intended to be used in an Infomercial, a Commercial or featured on Live Shopping TV.

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marcsonthegrill/

➡ Contact Marc

Interested in having your product reviewed? Reach out and let is know what you got!

