I am on a continued journey to smoke cheeses, fish, pecans, mushrooms….you name it, and I am testing the waters with smoking. I’ve used hot plate methods, lump coal, hardwood, chips, on and on….but by far….the EASIEST is the AMAZEN. All you do is put it in any vented enclosed container and keep the internal temperature under 90 degrees. The rest is up to mother nature.

I recently bought a Masterbuilt electric smoker that works PERFECT for all kinds of cold smoke. Lots of tray space, great venting, easy drainage and cleanup. I’ve found that most ‘processed’ smoked cheeses are spray coated with an additional layer of ‘color’ and chemicals to give it that “SMOKED” look. Many cheeses I take through the smoke process change little in sight….but after a three to four hour cold smoke….are definitely infused with whatever fuel I’m burning.

With all this said, I really have to give it up to the AMAZEN and the great customer service Todd brings our way. Just a great gift to enhance life and the great taste of outdoor cooking. Happy Smoking!
