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Heath: Today we’re going to talk about barbeque grills and smokers. They’re similar, but they’re different. Grills are great for doing steaks and burgers and hotdogs. They’re also great for doing things like a traditional smoker, just a little bit more unorthodox than a smoker. So, Brett and I are going to show you a whole array of different kinds of grills and smokers that might interest you if you’re looking to add one to your backyard.

Brett: Well, there’s one kind of grill that every American knows, it’s the Weber Kettle. Now, the great thing about the Weber Kettle is you can grill on it, you can smoke on it, you can use charcoal, you can use wood. You take a look at it, if you wanted to grill on it, of course, you could use the whole surface, there’s all kinds of different sizes, you can get them for under $100. So, they’re really fantastic. If you wanted to smoke on it, you just put some charcoal on one side, put the food on the other, and let it smoke all day.

Heath: If you want to go a little bit more traditional on a smoker but you don’t want to spend a lot of money, the bullet smoker is a great option. These are about $300, $400, they’re also from the Weber company. What you do is you have a water pan down here, right here, you put liquid, it doesn’t have to be water, it could be apple juice, it could be beer, it could be some vegetables in there to help give it a flavor, and then you have a couple of racks. So, you can actually cook on this about 8 slabs of ribs, 4 briskets, you could do 4 or 5 pork butts on here, and it also uses charcoal, and wood, as a flavor enhancer. And, this thing, really, if you put a bag of charcoal in here, it’s going to last for just about the entire cooking process of most meats. So, it’s not quite set it and forget it, but it’s about as close as you can get for the money. It’s really a great smoker, and it’s what we use a lot when we’re competing and cooking in our backyards.

Brett: So if you want to step it up, we’ve got the Barrel smoker. Now, these can get into the thousands of dollars, or you can pick one up for a couple hundred bucks at your local hardware store. This is a backyard jambo. Man, if you want some great barbeque, this is it. This is a stick burner. The great thing about it is you can load it full of racks of ribs. You put it in the fire back here, this thing burns so smooth, but it’s a really great thing. If you’re getting serious about cooking competition barbeque, or just want your friends and family to have great barbeque, take a look at a Barrel smoker like a jambo.

Heath: We just encourage you to go check them out, go down to wherever grills are sold near you, and just see what fits your needs, your size of meal that you’re wanting to make, and what fits your lifestyle. There’s a lot of great grills, but really, you’ve got to have more than one, so maybe don’t settle on just one.

Brett: You can never have too many grills or smokers, just remember that.
