The double wall design of the Summit makes charcoal last longer than the 22.5 inch kettle.
Braking the back of a whole chicken allows both the breast half and the leg half to cook to 165 degrees independently. Waiting for the thighs to reach temp can cause the breast to be over done.
I grilled the rib steaks after the coals burned for 2 hours to illustrate how well the Summit keeps the heat.
Because the Summit controls the airflow so well and the air between the double walls insulates the kettle, I came up with my nickname for it. I added “air” to its name and call it “SCAG,” an acronym for the Summit Charcoal Air Grill. Now it’s part of the Ring of Fire along with Fat Tuesday (36 in grill), Fat Boy (22.5 in smoker), and the others. I tell people that Scag is the grill of the future and it shouldn’t be out for another ten years!
